Assistance to clients
CSA studio assists its clients in the following fields:
- development and implementation planning;
- land and building development;
- civil and industrial buildings;
- building renovation and maintenance;
- interior design;
- “urbanization works” (road construction and related works);
- projects for tenders;
CSA studio offers the following assistance services to clients:
- organisation and coordination of studies and projects;
- organisation, preparation of technical specifications and consulting for: topographic, hydrological and geological surveying;
- techno-economical support for calls of tender via the preparation of technical tender specifications and of drawing up of construction and supply contracts;
- techno-economic monitoring of offers and preparation of contract documents;
- design study aimed at the preparation of economically advantageous offers for both private and public sector;
- concertation with public administration in the urban sector, with particular focus on “qualifying works” of public interest for proposals in urban transformation.