Arch. Paolo Perrotta
Born in Napoli in 1966 with a degree in Architecture obtained at the University Federico II of Naples, Paolo Perrotta has been listed in the Register of Certified Architects of Milan under the number 8569 since 1995. The first 15 of his 30-year multi-faceted experience has had him oversee the management of design processes and construction of public works and university buildings at the University of Milan “La Statale” and the Politecnico. From 2005 to 2020 Paolo worked at the Engineering company Alpina S.p.A., where he held the position of Project Manager in the Building and Architecture sector. In 2010 he moved on to cover the role of Manager which shortly after in 2016 led him to become a Shareholder. In 2019 he was a board member. During his 15-year activity at Alpina S.p.A., Paolo was engaged in numerous activities in tertiary buildings, scholastic, residential, hotel and infrastructural sectors where he was in charge of coordinating, in the area of architectural design, structural and plant design as well as carrying out the supervision of works. Among the many of the significant projects signed by him can be mentioned: several projects and building site management in Joint Research Center of the European Commission in Ispra, the Public Swimming Center Fatebenesorelle in Milan, the Hirpina Station, the Apice Stop and the Service Buldings/Workshop of the Napoli-Bari high-speed railway line, the housing development “ancient Tabacco Manufacture” in Milan. Paolo has furthermore extended his work experience, working abroad in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, where he participated in the renovation and expansion project of the Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, the “New Sadko” Events and Restauration Building project as well as the renovation project of the Sport Hall for the 2015 European Games. In 2021 Paolo Perrotta was welcomed by his friends Marco Conte, Mario Serini and Silvia Peca at CSA studio, an associated interdisciplinary technical firm.